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JoHari's Window

Please select the 6 words that best describe you. You will need to enter your name and email address, but the results are only available to you and anyone with whom you choose to share the links.

Dependable Self-critical Self-conscious Spontaneous Conscientious Strong-willed Imaginative
Reactive Friendly Observant Energetic Methodical Sensible Helpful
Successful Quick Intelligent Resourceful Sensitive Thorough Reasonable
Reliable Straightforward Calm Organized Empathic Dominant Outgoing
Outspoken Considerate Strong Steady Persuasive Flexible Decisive
Easygoing Hard-working Insistent Curious Persevering Confident Innovative
Collaborative Loyal Cooperative Dynamic Emotional Resilient Assertive
Controlled Sociable Generous Tactful Forgiving Patient Likeable

Please enter your name and email address for results tracking and sharing.
Note that your results will be visible only to you and others you wish to share them with.

